Expert Witness Services
Welcome to OxCME Expert Witness Services
As a seasoned expert in psychiatry, Dr Shaddel provides professional expert witness services in collaboration with St Andrews Medico-Legal Consultancy Services, offering a range of Medico-legal consultation, independent reviews and expert testimony for litigation, disputes, and claims.
Dr Farshad Shaddel
Consultant Psychiatrist & Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer
Criminal and Civil
Report in 4-6 weeks
Remote and in-person assessments
Expertise in ASD/LD, Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Forensic and Rehabilitation Psychiatry
Specialises in diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders, particularly learning disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder, Capacity assessments and fitness-to-plead. Section 12(2) Approved. Has undertaken Royal College of Psychiatrists and Bond Solon expert training.
Why Partner with St Andrews Medico-Legal Consultancy Services?
St Andrew’s Healthcare is a leading mental health charity and the home of some of the most well-regarded clinicians in the country.
If you need a specialist mental health opinion, no other organisation can offer the quality and experience of experts that St Andrew’s can.
St Andrew's prices are in-line with Legal Aid Authority (LAA) guidelines.
Get in Touch
For further information or to request a consultation, please contact us.

​​​Organisational capacity building – curriculum development
The OxCME curriculum development team has over 20 years of experience of developing validated and non-validated, formal and informal educational initiatives for health care professionals.
For example
single sessions on consultation skills, conflict management in health contexts and using case-based discussions (CBDs)
short courses on an introduction to learning and teaching, consultation skills, facilitation and group process, assessment and feedback, educational supervision
validated postgraduate programmes including certificates/diplomas and masters in clinical education.
regional, national and international conferences, seminars and events
The OxCME offers capacity building in curriculum development to support organisations who know what learning programmes/event they would like to offer and would like some expert support through the process of developing them.
This service is tailored to the specific needs of the organisation and ranges from a single session to review and enhance a programme to structured support over several months.
Target audience
Clinical educators, programme leads, faculty developers with responsibility for leading the development of new educational initiative who feel they would benefit from a supportive environment with an experienced curriculum developer and educator.
Financial arrangements and fees are considered indivudually for long-term organisational collaborations
One-off consultation fees:
The fee is £150 / hour with a minimum session length of 3 hours.
Subsequent sessions can be agreed according to the organisational needs.
These are few examples (not an exhaustive list) of organisations that OxCME has worked with them in delivering educational activities/ courses:
- Priory Healthcare (2022-date): "Approved Clinician Refresher Course" & "Neurological Examination in the Blink of an Eye and Reading ECG in a Heartbeat"
- St Andrew's Healthcare (2019 - date): "Approved Clinician Refresher Course", "Comms Skills in Neurodevelopmental disorders"
- East Midland Deanery, Health Education England (2021): Feedback Masterclass
- Buckingham University (2019): Preparing for Group Work in Medical Education (PGWME)